Much awaited results of JRBT published

The much awaited results of the Joint Recruitment Board, Tripura (JRBT) published in the late evening of Wednesday (November 30).
The JRBT, the Directorate of Employment Services and Manpower Planning department through a notification said that JRBT run Multi-Tasking Staff (Group-D) and Group-C written examination s held on August 20 and August, 2021 last and the board on Wednesday published the results with list of successful candidates provisionally qualified candidates for interview.
The entire sets of results of provisionally qualified candidates are available in the JRBT websites and
The JRBT also said that the schedule of programme for document verification and interview will be notified shortly and the list of provisionally qualified candidates for interview for MTS(group-D) posts has been prepared following 1:6 ratio, six times the number of vacancies as per approved decision of the council of ministers issued on November 25th last.
Earlier, the JRBT through its website confirms that the lists of provisionally qualified candidates for interview in written examinations for MTS(Gr-D) and Group –C posts conducted by the JRBT on 20/08/2021 and 22/08/2021 will be published and uploaded in their official portal within November 2022. All candidates who appeared in these two examinations are requested to keep watching the portal’s update notification. As per the notification, the JRBT on the last day of November has published the results.
On November 17 last after the cabinet meeting, the Information and Cultural Affairs (ICA) Minister Sushanta Chowdhury during a media briefing said that the Council of Ministers decided to publish the results of the much-awaited JRBT examination soon.
Candidates and opposition political parties CPI(M) and Congress had also staged demonstrations in the capital city demanding early publication of the results. And over the delay of publication of the results for over one year, resentment and frustration are brewing up among the appeared candidates over the dilemma of result and now, the government maintaining its commitment has published the results.